Monday, February 8, 2010

(6-Thing-0602) Giant Bruise

On Friday, I spent pretty much the whole day straightening the house and running around getting last minute supplies for a backpacking trip that I was suddenly invited on. So no Thing for that day :(

We hiked about two miles into Henry Coe State Park in the fog, and set up camp on the flattest ground we could find. In the morning, the fog had lifted, but it was raining. Our tent was gaining water, and our sleeping bags were getting wet. Once out of the tent, we realized we had set up in a valley, and the run off was running straight under our tent toward the nearby stream. After breakfast, we broke camp, walked about 50 feet and saw a glorious flat camping space on high ground with firm dirt. We were sad.

After filtering water for the days hike, I put a bandanna on my head, thinking I could make an awesome tie-dye project as the bandanna got soaked by the rain and mixed with the purple dye in my hair. As it turns out, my rain gear was way more rainproof than I had expected, and my project didnt work out.

Luckily, I fell crossing a tiny stream and made this amazingly large bruise!

Posted via email from summation's Thing-A-Day 2010

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