Monday, February 8, 2010

(4-Thing-0302) Pajama Pants

I've been excited about this gorilla flannel print since I got it. Wednesday I turned it into a pair of pajama pants. I'm getting pretty good at pj pants by now. They are super fun to make, and I even get to use my automatic buttonhole feature on my machine, which is really fascinating to watch. This is from McCall's 4320 pattern. I didnt follow the instructions for the waistband, because I like to make pj pants with elastic in the back and draw strings up front. So I take a piece of elastic about 14 inches long, sew the draw strings to each end, and then thread it through the waistband. Then I center and stretch the elastic and sew the two ends to the pants through the waistband. It makes it fit better in the seat (for me at least).

Posted via email from summation's Thing-A-Day 2010

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