Monday, February 1, 2010

(1-Thing-0102) Rolled Hem Vintage Scarf

After a few false starts (didnt have plastic cups for resin mixing, princess was in another castle) I decided to ease into the most creating-est month of 2010.  I just bought a rolled hem foot for my sewing machine and I have been wanting to make a pretty scarf out of a hideous vintage dress I picked up at a thrift shop.  I tore the fabric into a nice long rectangle (to make sure it was on the straight of grain) and then did a few test runs setting up the stitch length and figuring out how to feed the material into the fancy rolled part of the foot. 

I had to rip out the hem a few times and round the corners to make it easier to keep the material threaded through the foot in the turns.  But here it is. Now to wait for my hair to grow out some so I can wear it!

Posted via email from summation's Thing-A-Day 2010

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