Friday, April 9, 2010

CyberSutra and Friends (Burning Man 2009 Podcast)

I'm still listening to this podcast by CyberSutra for Burning Man 2009.  I didnt find it until a few months after bm, but wish i had it for the trip to the desert.  It does remind me of dancing out on the playa.

Posted via web from Moonrock Interstellar Disco

Welcome to Moonrock's Music Link Compilation

Inspired by Josh's post to the list, I've created a place for us to share cool music in an easy to browse format (I hope), and without having to get side-tracked by interesting non-music posts. Anyone can post here by sending an email to

I hope you'll all share your music finds here, and come here when you're looking for music reccommeded by fellow moonrockers.

-the Thermburglar (Erin)

Posted via web from Moonrock Interstellar Disco