Monday, March 8, 2010

LED eyes for a toy rat

This squeaky rat obviously needed laser eyes, and I was happy to oblige. I cut out his old eyes, and wired two LEDs in series to a 3.6v lithium battery. It's hard wired, but should last a good while. The tinyish battery even fit inside the face, making everything tidy looking.

Posted via email from summation's Thing-A-Day 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

(24-Thing-2502) Knit Cuff Application

Revisiting that darned onesie just one more time, post-pajama party.  Knit cuffs to make it easier to push the sleeves up and keep them out of a syrupy breakfast.  Actually pretty easy, now that I've gotten the hang of working with stretching the knit to match it to the woven material.  Cut a piece of knit twice as tall as you want it to be on the sleeve, making sure the ribbing runs perpendicular to the sleeve edge.  Sew it into a tube, fold it in half wrong sides together, and press.  Turn the cuff upside down and place around the outside of the sleeve (garment should be right side out).  Sew or serge along the seams, stretching the knit as you go, making sure to sew through both thicknesses of the knit cuff.  fold the cuff right side up and you're done!  It helps if you line up the seams of the cuff and the sleeve and sew that part first, or they will never come close to lining up.

Posted via email from summation's Thing-A-Day 2010

(23-Thing-2402) Sewing Table Lamp Repair

There are 2 industrial sewing machines at my craft-space, both with lamps that didnt work.  Using some spare electrical cords, a soldering iron, wire strippers and a screw driver, I was able to replace the wiring in the lamps and make them work.  This is very good for when the sun goes down and I want to see just how close my fingers get to the serger blade. 

Posted via email from summation's Thing-A-Day 2010